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Ratio And Proportion Question - Class 7

1. If p : q = 3 : 5, then 5p : 3q = _____.

a) 3 : 5                    b) 5 : 3
c) 1 : 1                    d) None of these

2. 120 : 180 = _____.

a) 4 : 1                    b) 1 : 4
c) 5 : 1                    d) 1 : 5

3. What is the simplest form of 36 : 84?

a) 7 : 3                    b) 3 : 7
c) 3 : 5                    d) 2 : 7

4. Express the following ratios in simplest form.

      75 paise : 2 Rupees

a) 8 : 3                    b) 3 : 5
c) 3 : 8                    d) 5 : 3

5. Express the following ratios in simplest form.

      8 month : 2 years

a) 4 : 7                    b) 7 : 4
c) 3 : 1                    d) 1 : 3

6. Express the following ratios in simplest form.

      525 grams : 2.5 liters

a) 3 : 5                    b) 4 : 5
c) 5 : 4                    d) None of these

7. If A : B = 3 : 4 and B : C = 7 : 12, find A : C.

a) 7 : 9                    b) 7 : 16
c) 16 : 7                  d) 9 : 7

8. If P : Q = 5 : 6 and Q : R = 4 : 7, find P : Q : R.

a) 10 : 12 : 20                    b) 10 : 14 : 21
c) 10 : 12 : 21                    d) None of these

9. Divide Rs. 3500 between Pradeep and Prakash in the ratio 3 : 4. How much money both will get?

a) Pradeep = Rs. 1500 and Prakash = Rs. 2000
b) Pradeep = Rs. 2500 and Prakash = Rs. 1000
c) Pradeep = Rs. 2000 and Prakash = Rs. 1500
d) Pradeep = Rs. 1000 and Prakash = Rs. 2500

10. Divide 30 kg apple between John, Bob, and Michael in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5.

a) John = 9 kg, Bob = 6 kg, and Michael = 15 kg
b) John = 6 kg, Bob = 9 kg, and Michael = 15 kg
c) John = 15 kg, Bob = 9 kg, and Michael = 6 kg
d) None of these

11. What numbers must be added to each term of the ratio 18 : 32 to make 2 : 3?

a) 2                   b) 5
c) 8                   d) 10

12. Which ratio is greater:

      5 : 7 or 3 : 5

a) 3 : 5                           b) 5 : 7
c) Both are same           d) None of these

13. A man earns Rs. 300 daily. He spends Rs. 90 and rest of the money he saves. Find the ratio of his saving to income.

a) 8 : 10                        b) 10 : 8
c) 7 : 10                        d) 10 : 7

14. Rs. 180 is divided among Julie, Jane, and Tina in the ratio 12 : 13 : 16. Find the share of each girl.

a) Julie = Rs. 90, Jane = Rs. 60, Tina = Rs. 30
b) Julie = Rs. 60, Jane = Rs. 90, Tina = Rs. 30
c) Julie = Rs. 30, Jane = Rs. 60, Tina = Rs. 90
d) Julie = Rs. 90, Jane = Rs. 30, Tina = Rs. 60

15. A certain amount of money is divided into three parts in the ratio 4 : 6 : 10. If the lowest part is Rs. 250 then find the largest part.

a) Rs. 265                       b) Rs. 625
c) Rs. 526                       d) Rs. 652

16. Two numbers are in the ratio 4 : 5. When 2 is added to the first term and 3 is added to the second term, they are in the ratio 5 : 7. Find both the numbers.

a) 43 and 34                      b) 53 and 35
c) 43 and 53                      d) None of these

17. The ratio of the present ages of John and Diana is 2 : 3. Five years latter, the ratio of their ages will be 3 : 4. Find their present age.

a) John = 10 years and Diana = 12 years
b) John = 15 years and Diana = 10 years
c) John = 12 years and Diana = 15 years
d) John = 10 years and Diana = 15 years

18. Ratio is a number, so it has got no units. Mark True / False.

a) True                     b) False

19. If 'a' and 'b' are two different quantities, then their ratio would be a : b. Mark True / False.

a) True                     b) False

20. To compare two ratios, we must convert them into mixed fractions. Mark True / False.

a) True                     b) False

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